Leadership 102

Scripture Reading - Habakkuk 2:2 KJV

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus in today’s lesson we would like to continue our discussion on “Leadership”. In our first Lesson Leadership 101 we taught on the three principles that every good leader should be they are 1) Open to Hear, 2) Quick to Adjust and 3) Slow to Step. Stating that a “godly leader” listens openly to hear what the group is saying to leadership, then that “leader” quickly adjust to all good advice that was shared and after that the “godly leader” shall proceed with a clearly communicated safe pace knowing slow and steady typically gets the job done. Another godly characteristic of a “good leader” is having “vision”. When we are speaking about “vision” we are not just talking about a person who has perfect 20/20 eyesight but rather a “leader” with spiritual insight. The spiritual insight we are talking about is being able to see some distance into the future. Now, we are not saying that every “leader” should be a prophet, psychic or seer but what we are saying is that every “good leader” should know where they are going before they start leading others and they should already know what direction they need to take to get there. We notice in today’s scripture that Habakkuk was praying to the Lord about the future state of Israel. The prophet of God was noticing all the wickedness going on in the land. Habakkuk was questioning God about the justice system for that time because he wasn’t seeing justice executed in the land. It is very trying to see evil prosper in the earth when you know there is a God in Heaven who can fix this huge mess on earth. We notice the Lord did not tell Habakkuk not to worry about it but instead The Lord said to write down what I AM about to speak to you. So we know right off the bat that “good leaders” take notes. Why? There are at least three good reasons to take notes the first being you will have fresh knowledge of exactly what was said. The second reason is to show honor unto the speaker. We all know how good it is when a person is listening to your every word and taking your conversation with them very seriously (being attentive). This is demonstrated every time you take notes on the words being shared with you. God is awesome and holy and just and yet even God wrote a good supply of His Powerful Words of Truth in the Holy Bible for our edification, exhortation, comfort and understanding. So if God set this example before us, why would we even attempt to think that writing naturally whatever you hear spiritually is not really necessary? The third item we will mention is that writing notes will help you to better understand God, people, things and sources. Isn’t true that when you read it, say it, study it and write it you retain it easier and better. Yes, for sure taking the time to write notes usually requires for you to think a little more deeply about what you are writing. This is because whatever you say can be misunderstood and changed by the listener but what you wrote yesterday is there for today’s interpretation and tomorrow’s examination. Yes, “writing the vision” is crucial for good team motivation and success. We also notice from today’s reference verse that a “godly leader” will make the “vision” plain. In other words always write your vision in a language that is readable and easily understood by those reading it. It is good to know what direction you want your team to go in but it is great if all your team also knows what direction they need to go in and why? This helps them to follow (hook up with) the plan. The complete thought of making the vision plain upon tables is basically stating that all “visions” should be written out such that any person could read it and understand it and share it with someone else who might be looking in the same direction. We know that writing upon tables is more work than just writing notes to yourself because when you write for others context and grammar matters. When you have to write the “vision” so even a little child can understand it you have to think about it a lot more and possibly break-it down into parts and basic concepts. This added time to properly prepare the “vision” for presentation to others is a God idea that shouldn’t be ignored. The “Leader” that prepares for the runners with a good clear vision is also the “leader” that follows God’s advice/guidance. There will be many people who want to “lead” and there are many people who think they should “lead”. However, the true “leader” from God displays God’s Fruit and thinks in line with God’s Word. The Holy Bible is God’s “Unchanging Vision” for all mankind no matter what people think about it. It is holy, anointed and very special such that we read it constantly and run with it regularly. The Word of God is life and the Holy Bible was placed together with purpose, patience and passion it is the “Vision of God Almighty”. Therefore we must recognize the brilliant “leadership of God” and go and do likewise by receiving a “good vision” from God and propagating “His (God’s) vision” to others or adopting the “sound vision” of our employer/company to share the “company vision” with other employees and potential customers. It is not hard to be “leader” if you know “Thee Ultimate Leader of the Universe (God)” the key is just relying upon His Grace instead of your own good works or intellect. Jesus led the children of God out of sin and into right standing with God when they followed His Words so why shouldn’t we be “good leaders” when we follow (imitate, mimic, copy) God’s Way of leading us? Since Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life we should do our part to “lead” people into His Way, and into His Truth and into His Life which basically means we are all “leaders” with a “vision” in Christ Jesus, our Lord, Leader and Lover. There is a truth which states, “If you can’t clearly see the Light of Jesus Christ as your light for eternal life then you have no vision simply because you cannot see”. Amen!